Troubleshooting a 3D Image on Facebook

Here is a short video that will hopefully help you troubleshoot some problems when making a 3d image or photo on Facebook.

If you would like to learn how to make one, you can watch a tutorial video here.

Feel free to share your images on our Facebook page!

Trouble Shooting

  1. Parts of the foreground are getting stuck to the background (9 seconds in)

Depth map image has fine details in the foreground that need to be less accurate and blended in.

  1. Uploading the two images and not getting the 3D box appearing – two reasons:

Incorrect name (58 seconds in)

If you have named your first image tree.png your second image MUST be called tree_depth.png if you get the letters slightly wrong (tree_detph.png) for example, it will not work. To fix this, rename them so they can be read as [filename].png and [filename]_depth.png respectively. Then re upload the images.
It is not a jpg or png. (1 minute 25 seconds in)

Check the file extension. If it is .bmp or .tiff for example, it will not work. To fix this, open your image in PhotoShop and go to ‘file’ then ‘save as’. Underneath the file name chose .png or .jpg for the file extension and hit ‘Save’. Then re upload the images.

Failed to create your 3D Photo – Try again or learn more about how to create 3D Photos – error (2 minutes in)

Depth map image may be too detailed. If possible simply your depth map image.

Maybe you image is too narrow. Make it squarer, see video below.

These will not sort out every problem, but I believe these to be the main ones.

Aspect ratio is wrong

Still have problems when making a 3d image or photo on Facebook. Error ‘failed to create your 3D Photo’? In extension to my last troubleshooting video, after having trouble even after changing all the other problems I had already pointed out, I still had some troubles with longer pictures.


The image is too long and needs a squarer aspect ratio. I found a 2:3 was too long, but images which were more square than this ratio worked. In this video I use a 4:5 ratio.